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You can choose to pay in up to 6 installments:
- 1 installment of RON 1180.00/month, or:
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Manually painted wood icon.
If you wish to purchase this type of icon and the desired saints are not yet available in our catalog, add this product to your cart and specify the desired scene to be painted in the comments box available in the Delivery step of the order process.
- Support
- Wood
- Icon type
- Single icon
- Painting technique
- Tempera
- Theme
- Religion
- Characters
- Custom
- Orientation
- Portrait
- Painting dimensions (l x L, cm)
- 10x20
- Width (cm)
- 10
- Length (cm)
- 20
- Celebration in the month of
- 1 (January)
2 (February)
3 (March)
4 (April)
5 (May)
6 (June)
7 (July)
8 (august)
9 (September)
10 (October)
11 (November)
12 (December) - Number of characters
- Scene
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Wood icon, miniature - custom, 7x10cm (2 characters)

Wood icon, "The Holy Virgin's Feasts", Hand painted, 30x40 cm

Wood icon, "Mother of God, The Protector of the Family", Hand painted, 30x40 cm

Wood icon, "Heaven's Legacy", Hand painted, 30x40 cm

Wood icon, "St. Zacharias, St. Elizabeth and St. John the Baptist",..., 30x40 cm

Wood icon, "Holy Trinity", Hand painted, 20x26 cm

Wood icon, "Descent of the Holy Spirit", Hand painted, 20x26 cm
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Wood icon, “Mother of God the Joyful (Vzigranie)”, miniature, 7x10cm

Wood icon, "Andes Virgin & Child", miniature, 7x10cm

Wood icon, "Panagia Paramythea", miniature, 7x10cm
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Nu stiu exact la a cata comanda sunt dar cred ca ma apropii de 10 daca nu chiar am depasit numarul, ceea ce spune mai mult decat orice alt cuvant! Multumesc ca faci posibil ca fiecare cadou pe care il daruiesc sa fie unul special!
Lumina lina
Fiindcă frumusețea acestor lucrări nu poate fi exprimată in cuvinte..ne dorim doar ca înfăptuitorii să fie sănătoși, iar Dumnezeu să le înmulțească darul:)
Mulțumim, echipei Naivia!

Maica Domnului Luminatoarea Mintii
Icoana este minunata, s-a lipit de sufletul meu din prima clipa.
Respecta spiritul icoanei de la care am pornit, iar tehnica si culorile sunt desavarsite.
O icoana minunata!
Impresionant, emotionant.
Multumesc pentru inca o icoana minunata!