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Click/tap to closeWood icon, "Panagia Glykophilousa - Sweet-kissing", Hand painted, 20x26 cm

RON 148.33/month info
Pay for this product in up to 6 equal installments, with no interest
Pay using one of these shopping cards: Card Avantaj - Credit Europe Bank, StarBT - Banca Transilvania, Card Alpha Bank, Card BRD Finance, Card Bonus - Garanti Bank.
You can choose to pay in up to 6 installments:
- 1 installment of RON 890.00/month, or:
- 2 installments of RON 445.00/month
- 3 installments of RON 296.67/month
- 4 installments of RON 222.50/month
- 5 installments of RON 178.00/month
- 6 installments of RON 148.33/month
Hand painted wood icon of Panagia Glykophilousa. Original concept.
The Panagia Glykophilousa, "Sweet-kissing" or "Loving Kindness" icon depicts the Virgin Mary caressing her son, so that they appear to be kissing.
- Support
- Wood
- Icon type
- Single icon
- Painting technique
- Tempera
- Theme
- Religion
- Characters
- Baby Jesus
Virgin Mary - Key color
- Red
- Orientation
- Portrait
- Celebration in the month of
- 8 (august)
9 (September)
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